Cyber Security Monitoring and Tools

What exactly is Cyber Security Monitoring – and why do you need it?

73% of small businesses suffered a breach in 2021

Average cost of a data breach is £12.000

Less than 24% of companies have a CyberSecurity plan in place

As businesses are working more and more with cloud based digital applications – and also working location independent on a broad range of networks and devices including desktops, laptops, mobiles and tablets – the need to protect your staff and your business effectively is only continuing to grow.

For any business, a multilayered solution approach to Cyber Security is essential and one key components of that approach is proactive security monitoring.

By deploying a range of protective monitoring tools and procedures – including web protection, business grade managed antivirus, email security and continuity solutions and effective patch management – you can be on the front-foot around detecting and mitigating the type of Cyber Threats your business is facing daily.

How our portfolio of security monitoring tools helps

One of the key benefits of modern business applications and apps is the flexibility that they give your teams around how they interact with colleagues and customers. Both inside and outside of your business.

However, a more open approach like this calls for more stringent security measures to keep everyone safe.

At Managed IT Experts we can deploy a combination of security monitoring tools that:

  • provide a level of automated protection for your staff, customers and partners
  • proactively identify and mitigate security threats before you know they are even an issue
  • let your worry less about IT security and focus more on building your business

Four key monitoring and security practices to keep your business safe

Effective web protection

The internet is a huge bonus for SMEs as it opens your business up to a world of revenue and customer service opportunities. But the flipside is it can also leave you wide open to hacking and potential data breaches. Effective web filtering software reduces this risk.

Business grade anti-virus

Ensuring your business stays ahead of emerging virus threats is essential to guarantee safe working and productivity. Our hosted anti-virus for business software is continually updated for the latest threats, keeping your business safe.

Managed email protection

Email is a key communication channel for your business and keeping it up and working is a pre-requisite for effective business operation. working with an email protection provider like us ensures the security and continuity of your email at all times.

Ongoing updates

It sounds simple but is often overlooked. Out of data software is often the entry point for a data breach. But structured patch management – ensuring that all of your tools and applications are running the latest levels of protection – removes the risk.

What our customers say about working with us

Our Security monitoring solutions are trusted by a wide range of small and medium-sized businesses to keep them safe on a daily basis. Here are what just some of them say about working with us.

How we use Cyber Monitoring to improve your IT security

Initial assessment

Step 1 is to gain a good understanding of the types of threats that your business is being exposed to. At this stage we are looking to assess how your staff and systems work so we can assess vulnerability.

Review and implement

Based on the initial audit we will choose the best fitting combination of security measures to protect your business from the risks it is facing – from business-level, managed anti-virus software to web and email protection solutions.

Plan for the future

Monitoring is only one part of a wider picture. Many of our customers choose to take a comprehensive approach to effectively managing their IT security needs as part of a wider, fully Managed IT support based approach.

Do you need to improve your Cyber Security monitoring?

The first step is to get a better understanding of the type of IT security threats your business is facing. And also get a feel for how Cyber Security monitoring can reduce the risk associated with them.

Book an exploratory call with us

30-minute no-obligation call with one of our team members
– No pressure to sign up – just an honest discussion about your needs
– Feel free to leverage our expertise around IT security


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